viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

JUNIO 12 2016

More news from Hollywood. 

Yesterday shortly after I started my shift at 2pm. A large group of protestors came into the store. The main leader started doing a chant about animal rights and how you shouldn't buy meat. It was about 20 of them. I was more impressed by their ability to organize 20 people in today's day and age. Well done Mr. Meat is murder.

Today, as I was happily re stocking some salads, A large man walked past me and as he did, he literally shoved me with quite some force, he had to do it twice in order to actually move me, cause I'm always planted firm on my feet. I'm not sure wether this man was on drugs or just too much pre workout. My instinct to engage in physical violence with him was ceased by the sight on the stack of salads I had in my hands. I quickly grabbed one of my security guards and informed him about the situation. The man hurried out the store but not without shoulder checking another of my co workers on his way out. Police were called and reports were filled. Needless to say I needed a couple minutes to let me adrenaline settle. 

Hollywood is great.

Thanks for tuning in.

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